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Moab by car

Moab by car

If you are approaching Moab while driving west along I-70, use Utah Route 128 for the beautiful scenery. About 10 minutes past the Colorado-Utah border is exit 214 on I-70, it is marked as "Cisco". The landscape at this point is extremely dry, slightly hilly. The road is narrow (no shoulder), and somewhat curvy, and it's about 80 km to Moab. About half-way, the road narrows, meets and then crosses the Colorado River, and the remainder of the trip is spent with the river on your right side and spectacular canyon walls surrounding you. This piece of pavement is one of the best drives in North America. Optimal times to take it are the morning (~9AM) or afternoon (after 3PM) for the light -- do not drive it at night (you can't see anything and it is more dangerous -- use US 191 instead). Watch for traffic, particularly bicycles as you approach Moab. The urge to rubber-neck is extreme, and needs to be resisted: be a passenger if you can. Eventually, UT 128 ends at US 191, a few minutes north of Moab.

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Moab Travel Guide from Wikitravel. Many thanks to all Wikitravel contributors. Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, images are available under various licenses, see each image for details.

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